Free shipping for orders over $200 | 4705-50th Avenue Leduc, AB T9E 6Y5 | 780-986-8535

Free shipping for orders over $200
4705-50th Avenue Leduc, AB T9E 6Y5
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About Us

Welcome to

Leduc Goldsmiths

We have been a family owned and operated business for over 30 years and pride ourselves on giving our customers honest and reliable service. With a state of the art 3D Printer and Laser Welder as well as goldsmiths on site, we offer you a one stop shop for all your jewelry needs.

Our Services


Purchasing that perfect piece of jewelry for yourself or someone else can sometimes be a tough task even before you get to the price tag. At Leduc Goldsmiths we deal with an outside Canadian financing company which offers varying low percentage rates (normally 7-9%) to the customer. Apply quickly and easily in store.

Jewelry Repairs

We offer almost any type of jewelry repairs necessary to bring your beautiful piece back to life. With four in house goldsmiths who combine to have over 60 years of experience. We also have a state of the art laser welder for jobs that otherwise wouldn’t be possible.

Wear Jewelry only on days ending with “Y”


Rose Gold


Yellow Gold

White Gold


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