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Leduc Goldsmiths | 4705 50th Ave, Leduc, AB T9E 6Y5 | (780) 986-8535 |

Jewelry is beautiful and sentimental, and creating a custom piece will make it even more special. Creating your own jewelry is quite exciting because you will get to be involved in the process and get to bring your ideas to life. Your vision can become a real piece of jewelry, and it will be unique as a result.

It’s possible to design pieces from scratch. If you are interested in creating a custom piece of jewelry, it’s important to understand all of the steps that are involved so that you have an idea of what you can expect. The following guide will outline this information:

Make Sure You Have A General Idea Of What You Want

You have to start with an initial concept and must be able to present your ideas to the jeweler. The possibilities are endless, so it’s important that you have an idea of what you’re after so that the jeweler can collaborate with you and bring your concept to life. While you don’t have to know all of the specifics, you should have a general idea, as this will help create your custom design.

Review The Sketch That The Jeweller Will Create

Once they have your ideas and a general understanding of what you’re after, the jeweler will create a rough sketch of the piece and present you with different pictures to see the features of your custom piece. Review this information and make sure you like it.

Review The Computer-Aided Design Rendering Of Your Custom Design

This will allow the jewelry to appear as a 3-dimensional digital image and include the type of metal used and any coloured gemstones you want. This image can be rotated, so you can see your custom piece from multiple angles. This visual can be shown in person or through email, and any last-minute changes should be discussed during this step because this is when the jeweler will start to create your final product.

Take A Look At The Wax Or Resin Model Of The Piece

Once you approve of the computer-aided design rendering of your piece, the computer-aided manufacturing process will begin, during which a wax or resin model of the piece will be generated using the latest technology. Stones are set wherever necessary, and this model is cast, and this near-final version of your custom design will be used to bring the piece to life.

Your Custom Piece Of Jewellery Will Now Be Ready!

Once you approve of the model, you will then be presented with your custom piece after only a few weeks, and even though you’ll have an idea of the final results, seeing the piece brought to life will provide you with feelings you will never forget.

Custom pieces can be worn and enjoyed for a lifetime, and Leduc Goldsmith can help you create exactly what you’re after. We specialize in custom Jewelry and repairs, so if you are in Edmonton, contact us today!

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