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Leduc Goldsmiths | 4705 50th Ave, Leduc, AB T9E 6Y5 | (780) 986-8535 |

Jewelry is special and sentimental, and if you have pieces that need to be repaired, you will have to find a reputable jeweler to start wearing your beloved pieces once again. This is not always easy because you will be trusting someone with your precious valuables, so you have to do some research. The following tips will help you select the right jeweler for repairs:

  1. Ask them for an estimate. Most reputable jewelry shops will provide clients with free estimates and provide you with a detailed explanation of the required repairs. They will explain the cost so that you are aware of the required work, and you will also see whether or not they will be able to provide you with the results you want. 
  2. Discuss their work and experience. Jewelry repairs require skills and expertise, so you have to look into these aspects if you want peace of mind. The longer the jeweler has been in business, the better off your piece of jewelry will be, so make sure you ask about their work and how long the repairs will take. Reputable jewelers will consistently provide clients with a reasonable timeframe and understand time-sensitive repairs. 
  3. Make sure your jewelry will be insured while it’s in their possession. Jewelry is precious, and the jeweler must be able to protect your pieces while it’s in their possession. This would protect your jewelry in the event of damage or theft during the repair process, and it’s also a must that the jeweler provide you with a detailed description and picture of your item to confirm you are receiving the correct item upon completion. 
  4. Make sure your items will not be shipped. Some jewelers may offer to have your pieces shipped once they are repaired, but this is a mistake, so do not agree to this option. Select a jeweler who will either deliver your jewelry themselves or allow you to pick it up whenever it’s convenient as this will protect your valuables, and you will not have to worry about damage or loss during transit. Anything can happen during the shipping process, so it’s not worth taking this risk.
  5. Don’t base your decision solely on price. Finally, while the price is an important consideration, you cannot base your decision on this alone because you get what you pay for, and the cheapest is not always the best. A reputable jeweler will provide you with fair prices and exceptional quality along with excellent service, so don’t settle for the cheapest because the results may not meet your expectations.

If you are searching for beautiful jewelry near me in the Edmonton area, come and visit us today! The experts at Leduc Goldsmiths can help you with all of your jewelry needs. We have been in this industry for a very long time and have years of experience so you can place your trust in our company.

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